Our Sophomores

The Sophomore I and II program are designed for children who have developmentally moved on from our Freshman program and are looking for more challenges.  We move children by developmental milestones and personal goals rather than chronological age.  Children's days are slightly more structured than the Freshman rooms.  Children are introduced to 'group' activities during circle time (singing songs, learning body parts, playing hand games, etc.).  They are introduced to more art projects, manipulatives and specific activities regarding our theme of the week.  We continue to create activities and utilize play items to allow children to explore, create, and invent.  We encourage their innate desire to be independent, and desire to communicate and structure our activities around them.  We focus on socialization and how to "be a good friend".  We potty train when your child and you are ready, and in the manner that you select, acting as a compliment to your efforts.  In our Sophomore program, children have the benefit of being a part of a smaller, more intimate group to build skills that are perfect for their age group, and then group together to gain the benefits of multiage gatherings.